Complain to God when people are evil.
Good people are dying out.
Where in the world are the trustworthy people?
Everyone cheats, slanders, flatters and lies.
There is no sincerity left.
God responds.
God does not deal gently with evil people.
God destroys proud liars who say, “We will lie as we feel like it. It's our deal; who can stop us?”
God promises, “I will come and defend the oppressed, poor, and needy."
God assures, "I will rescue the oppressed, poor, and needy as they pursue Me.”
Godly people:
Know God's promise is sure.
Know God speaks no careless word;
Know all God says is purest truth, like refined gold.
Know God always preserves His own from the reach of evil people.
Know that evil people prowl everywhere while vileness is praised everywhere.