God, hear my prayer!
Listen to my need!
Don’t brush away my urgency.
Bend Your ear.
Give me speedy answers.
My days disappear like smoke.
My health is broken.
My heart is sick, trampled like grass and withered.
My food is tasteless, and I have lost my appetite.
I am reduced to skin and bones because of all my groaning and despair.
I am like a vulture in a far-off wilderness or like an owl alone in the desert.
I lie awake, lonely as a solitary sparrow on the roof.
My enemies taunt me day after day and curse at me.
I eat ashes instead of bread.
My tears run down into my drink because of Your anger against me, Your wrath.
For You have rejected me and thrown me out.
My life is passing swiftly as the evening shadows.
I am withering like grass.
God, You are our Leader forever.
Your fame endures to every generation.
You come with mercy on Your people.
It's time to have compassion on us.
You promised to help.
God's people
We love everyone in God's family,
We empathize with every need in God's family.
All people
Let the nations and leaders tremble before God, before His glory.
God is on it.
God will rebuild His family!
He will appear in His glory!
He will listen to the prayers of the destitute.
He is never too busy to answer our requests.
Why reach out to God?
We want future generations to also praise God for all He has done.
We want a people to praise God.
We want to tell them that God looked down from Heaven and heard the voices of His people in distress — the destitute — and delivered them.
We want many to gather together to praise Him.
We want His praises sung throughout our communities.
We want leaders from everywhere to come together with us to worship God.
Humbled before our Creator
O God, You live forever!
Don’t let me die halfway through my years!
You created the Earth.
You made the Heavens!
They are temporary, but You are forever.
They wear out like clothing.
You will discard them like putting on a new shirt and tossing the old!
You never grow old.
You are forever.
Your years never end.
God comes through.
Protected and preserved by God, our families thrive.