Prayer for God to deal with evil:
Come here, God
Scatter all our enemies!
Chase them away!
Drive them off like smoke before the wind;
Melt them like wax in fire!
Let the wicked cease in the presence of God.
May godly people
Be blessed.
Cheer up.
Sing praise to God.
Raise voices in song to God.
He is present from above.
His people rejoice in His presence.
He is a Father to the fatherless;
He gives justice to widows.
He is safe, perfect.
He gives families to the lonely.
He releases prisoners from jail, singing with joy!
For those who continue in evil
there is famine.
there is catastrophe.
God and His people
God led His people through the wilderness,
While the earth trembled and the heavens shook.
Mount Sinai trembled before God.
God sent rain upon His land.
God refreshed the exhausted land!
God's people lived in the home He provided when they were destitute.