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Widows, Money, Religion

Writer: blessed woman of Godblessed woman of God

Jesus warns about using religion for extortion of widows.

Jesus warns: Beware of religious leaders who:

  1. like to wear a certain look,

  2. like public recognition,

  3. like importance in places of worship,

  4. like honor at banquets,

  5. devour widows’ houses,

  6. pray long prayers to impress.

They will receive greater condemnation.

Then, to illustrate, Jesus sits opposite the offering, and watches people putting money in. Many rich people put in large sums that they don't need. A poor widow puts in two small copper coins, amounting to a cent. It's money she didn't have to give, since her own need is great.

Jesus says to his disciples: I'm telling you, this poor widow put in more than all the other contributors. They put in surplus, but she, out of her poverty, put in all she owned, all she had to live on.

Jesus warns about, then observes, greed. He condemns religion supported by the poor.

Injustice and economic inequality are upheld by evil power.

God is watching. He holds the accounts for Eternity and His justice will prevail.

Luke picks up the same story about a poor widow putting money she needs for herself into the offering plate while the rich give wealth that they don't need - to the religious leaders, who also do not need this money. The two groups could help the woman, but instead they enrich religion. Image, power, self-righteousness.

While folks admire the beautiful temple building, Jesus tells them that soon what they admire and put money into will be rubble. Their giving is a waste.

They question Jesus about when and how this will happen.

Jesus warns of the fleeting values of the snake oil in the religious crowd who claim to be of God, but following them leads to Eternal Damnation.



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